high-quality station-bred rangeland composite goats
Mt Hope Station is a large-scale producer of goats in the NSW Western Division

Our Mission
Quality makes all the difference
Our mission is to consistently produce high-quality station-bred rangeland composite goats in an ethical and sustainable manner.

We breed billies that will work for us in tough rangeland conditions. They need to be extremely sound as they work on very large paddocks, with large mobs of does and plenty of rough country.

The Australian Cashmere and Boer influence is evident in many of our does. They are well built, highly productive mothers. They offer us compacted kidding windows, high kidding percentages and high weaning weights.

Our weaners typically come off the does having gained between 1.0 and 1.5kg live weight per week. The Boer influence is evident in the heaviest of our weaners. This fellow is typical of the type of weaners we produce and was 24.8kg at 14 weeks of age.

Contact Us
Lou Fisk
Station Manager
Mobile: 0428 002 451
Email: manager@mthope.com.au
Social: Instagram
PO Box 27 Lara Victoria 3212